Categories: NewsPublished On: 23.12.2022

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As part of ADRA Ukraine project, with the support of the German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO), another series of psychological trainings was held in Poltava and Zhytomyr, dedicated to the following topics:

• “The body is my support” – training for women aged from 30 to 65, dedicated to the relationship between the physical and mental state, reactions of body in stressful situations. The practical part was aimed at mastering everyday simple exercises to stabilize the emotional state through work with the body.

• “Fear, run away from the road” – training for children aged from 4 to 15, who were invited to draw their fears and discuss them with a psychologist in the process. At the end of the class, young participants were allowed to do whatever they wanted with the pictures. This resulted in the destruction of not only the sheets, but also the realization that fear can be overcome.

• “Mutual support and self-regulation during the war for teenagers who are internally displaced persons” – during the event, participants learned active methods of self-regulation and emotional calming. Psychologists gave teenagers recommendations on how to deal with panic attacks.

In general, psychological support in the form of group trainings and individual consultations has already been provided to hundreds of people who find it difficult to independently cope with traumatic experience gained as a result of the war.

In addition, this project covers such areas as provision of financial assistance, social transportation, evacuation, etc.

Pre-registration for a free consultation is made at the following number: +38 095 276 04 91

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