Categories: NewsPublished On: 11.08.2023

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On the morning of 11 August, ADRA Ukraine’s humanitarian aid warehouse in Beryslav, Kherson region, received a scheduled shipment of humanitarian aid that the team of volunteers planned to deliver to beneficiaries that same day. At the same time, a Russian drone hovering over the delivery site dropped three rounds of ammunition, damaging the vehicle provided to the charity by local activists. ADRA Ukraine staff managed to run for cover a few seconds before the explosions and suffered only mild contusions.

Marina, one of the ADRA Ukraine volunteers, said: “It happened at 7.50-7.55am. We were delivering food parcels to the village of Novoberislav, where 344 people live. As we were loading the last box and getting ready to leave, we heard the sound of a drone. We looked up and saw it hovering directly above us. The boys shouted ‘take cover’ and we all ran for cover. A second later the drone started dropping ammunition. It dropped three rounds in one minute – one directly on the bonnet of a car, the second between the second car and a Gazelle truck, and the third in front of the Gazelle itself. Luckily we were in the bunker by then, so everyone was alive and well, but I got a slight concussion from those explosions and still have a headache.

After the attack it was discovered that three of the vehicles had punctured wheels and radiators, smashed windows and some doors were also broken, so the aid could not be delivered to Novoberislav that day. It should be noted that these vehicles were temporarily provided to the charity by activists and the head of the village of Novoberislav, for whose residents the food parcels were intended – the volume of humanitarian aid did not allow it to be transported exclusively by ADRA Ukraine vehicles.

The humanitarian cargo itself was not damaged and was returned to the warehouse from the damaged vehicles. The charity’s staff called the police, who recorded the crime and all the damage.

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