Categories: NewsPublished On: 19.01.2024

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Targeted delivery of fuel briquettes to the Sviatohirsk community of Kramatorsk district, Donetsk region, which started on December 8 last year, continues. The assistance is provided within the framework of the reconstruction and winterization project implemented t in Kherson, Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk regions with the support of ADRA Network. As of January 18th, ADRA Ukraine team has delivered 432 tons of briquettes (one ton for each household). In total, 814 households in nine settlements of the Sviatohirsk community are to receive assistance.

This assistance will not only bring warmth to the beneficiaries, but also save lives in these areas, as Sviatohirsk community is located in close proximity to the war zone. One of the critical problems in the community’s settlements is the presence of explosive devices (landmines). Forests and forest belts are heavily mined and, as a result, forestry enterprises have stopped selling firewood. According to local authorities, many residents were forced to search for firewood to heat their homes on their own, which resulted in a significant number of mine-related injuries in the early winter of 2022-2023. It is also important to note that these settlements are not connected to gas supply networks, and before the full-scale invasion, residents heated their homes with solid fuel or fuel briquettes.

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