Categories: NewsPublished On: 20.06.2023

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Free transport assistance from ADRA Ukraine continues being provided, thanks to which residents of the frontline regions are able to evacuate to safer places or gain access to important infrastructure. The charitable organization also continued to provide assistance to residents of Kherson region after the disaster that occurred as a result of the explosion of the Kakhovska water-power plant. In particular, 428 residents of Kherson region, who were fleeing flooding and constant shelling, have been evacuated.

The assistance has been provided thanks to the support of partners of Lifesaving Evacuation, Assistance and Protection project with the support of the Government of Canada, as well as the project with the assistance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany and ADRA Germany. In addition, the transport provided to the charitable organization ADRA Ukraine by ADRA Korea was involved in the evacuation of the population.


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