Categories: NewsPublished On: 23.03.2023

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Another rocket attack on residential buildings in Zaporizhzhia, another tragedy that ruined the lives of dozens of people.

ADRA Ukraine expresses its condolences to all victims and provides comprehensive assistance to those who live at the address where the tragedy occurred on March 22.

In order to register for food and financial assistance, please, call ADRA Ukraine hotline at the following numbers:

+38 067 333 17 52
+38 093 170 67 39
+38 050 615 57 50

The charitable organization also provides transport assistance with the possibility of evacuation to shelters located in three regions of Ukraine and equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay. In order to receive transport assistance, please, contact the following numbers:

+38 050 572 04 07
+38 067 203 62 48

You can get psychological support at the following numbers:

+38 095 276 04 91
+38 050 010 59 78
+38 050 010 46 69

It is also possible to consult a lawyer at the following number:

+38 050 434 84 62

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