Categories: NewsPublished On: 25.10.2022

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The training for children with participation of Yuliia Pryimak, a Psychologist, gathered participants in Poltava on October 18. The event took place within the socio-psychological direction of ADRA Ukraine project with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany (German Federal Foreign Office — GFFO).

The main goal of the training was to correct the feeling of anxiety and fear of children who, together with their families, are currently in a shelter for internally displaced persons in this city.

The participants were given certain tasks taking into account age capabilities: children up to 5 years old made something from plasticine that would protect their sleep, and children aged 8 to 13 years old received instructions on how to make a favorite object from fairy tales or a character that has extraordinary abilities and is able to protect.

In the process of interaction with a psychologist, with the help of additional questions, children talked about the things that they made and learned to create a sense of safety and security.

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