Categories: NewsPublished On: 06.12.2023

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In Krivyi Rih city of Dnepropetrovsk region, on December 1, a holiday program for children with autism was held, which was attended by 40 children with their parents. Little visitors played, watched clown tricks and took part in various competitions. They received gifts purchased thanks to the support of ADRA Norway. Also, 28 children have limited mobility and were unable to come to this event, but each of them received their own gift delivered to their home. In addition, all children received postcards from their peers in Norway.

Volunteers from the Krivyi Rih office of ADRA Ukraine, in collaboration with the “There is a Way Out” Center, organized this program after receiving a request from the public organization “Take Care of the Soul.” The parents and children who came to the event and received gifts were very pleased; all the children had smiles on their faces, and joy shone in their eyes!

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