Categories: NewsPublished On: 27.06.2023

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Within the framework of the project of the UN WFP and ADRA Ukraine, with the support of ADRA Switzerland, another distribution of food kits took place for residents of such cities as Sviatohirsk and Mykolaivka in Donetsk region. In total, 950 people who live in the frontline regions and face food shortages every day, have received assistance.

During the delivery of humanitarian aid in Sviatohirsk and Mykolaivka, representatives of the UN WFP were also present, namely Corinne Fleischer, a Regional Director, Mamar Merzouk, a Senior Partnership Advisor, Salim Moussa, a Head of the Dnipro Office, Rodrigo Motta, an Executive Manager (Kyiv), Niema Abdelmageed, a leading specialist of communications, Kateryna Mavrodi, a leading specialist of the program.

During the visit, the delegation of representatives of the UN WFP confirmed the compliance of ADRA Ukraine team’s work with all standards of providing humanitarian aid.

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