Categories: NewsPublished On: 13.10.2023

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Since July 2023, Borys Voznytskyi Transit Shelter in Lviv has received financial support from ADRA Ukraine as part of the LEAP project funded by the Canadian Government. The shelter mainly hosts IDPs from active combat zones. IDPs from Ukrainian town and cities affected by hostilities, including women, children, people with disability, elderly individuals and families, come here for temporarily accommodation from various towns and villages in Ukraine. Currently, ADRA Ukraine brings here people evacuated from hazardous areas as part of the LEAP project supported by the Canadian Government. Over the course of the last three months, this shelter has hosted over 800 people and continues to welcome IDPs.

Here, people can find free-of-charge temporarily accommodation for the period of one or two weeks with the access to all utility services. The shelter also offers meals, including breakfast, dinner and lunch, with fruits and sweets for children, as well as newborn formulas for abbacies. Mental health, medical and legal services are available upon request. Children are invited to participate in interactive events and workshops (including art-therapy sessions).

If you need shelter assistance, please call ADRA Ukraine’s hotline:
+38 067 333 17 52
+38 093 170 67 39
+38 050 615 57 50

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