Categories: NewsPublished On: 09.08.2023

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Between July 27th and August 6th, as part of the ADRA Ukraine’s GFFO project funded by the German Federal Foreign Office and ADRA Germany, 26 children from the most vulnerable populations (children evacuated from the active combat zone, children who have lost one of the parents, and children facing challenging life circumstances due to the war) have completed the full psychosocial rehabilitation programme at Bukovel mountain resort in Ivano-Frankivsk Region.

As part of the ten-day programme, the children socialized with their peers, built connections, developed self-regulation skills, learned how to cope with difficult psycho-emotional conditions and had a chance to recover after the terrible ongoing events.

Children and their parents express their sincere gratitude to ADRA Ukraine, ADRA Germany and GFFO project officers for highly meaningful and important project that contributed to the improvement of their psycho-emotional condition.

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