Categories: NewsPublished On: 06.09.2023

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On August 27, the city of Kremenets, Ternopil Region, hosted a Family Picnic entertainment and educational event for children with disabilities, orphans, IDPs and those struggling with challenging life circumstances. The event, organized by the Dawn of Hope NGO, was attended by Stanislav Nosov, head of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ukraine, and Leonid Rutkovsky, Country Director of ADRA Ukraine. Leonid Rutkovsky said that ADRA Ukraine had contributed to funding the construction of a new building for a training and rehabilitation center for children and youth with disabilities and those affected by the hostilities. According to the Country Director of ADRA Ukraine, the construction of the center, which is a project of the Dawn of Hope NGO and has been underway since 2021, will not be left without the charitable organization’s attention.

NGO “ Dawn of Hope Society of Parents of Children with Disabilities and Their Friends was officially registered in 2015. Since the beginning of the large-scale invasion, the Society, together with the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ukraine, have been providing material and psychological assistance to people affected by the hostilities, including people with disabilities and IDPs. Up to date, more than 15,000 IDPs have already received food and clothing from Dawn of Hope. About one hundred Ukrainian families with children with disabilities were evacuated to Poland and placed under the care of the NGO “Step by Step”.

Dawn of Hope is another founder of the educational and rehabilitation center for children and youth with disabilities, which has been operating for five years in Kremenets in a small private building. The center employs teachers, psychologists, and rehabilitation specialists who provide assistance to children and youth with disabilities, their families, as well as families who lost their loved ones in the war, IDPs, and their children. However, the center needs a much larger building, the construction of which started back in 2021 and has not yet been completed due to the hostilities and the rise in the cost of materials. The main donors of the construction are the European Union, the Poland-Ukraine program, together with the NGO “Step by Step” (Poland). The new center will be able to help 70-100 people at a time. It is planned to launch a kindergarten and a school on its territory, where rehabilitation and socialization of children with disabilities will take place. The center also plans to provide assistance to veterans and all those who suffered from the consequences of the war. That is why the center is in urgent need of specialists, employees and patrons to help complete the construction.


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