Categories: NewsPublished On: 19.10.2023

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On October 18th, 35 residents of the Kherson Region were evacuated to Odesa and Lviv. The evacuation was organized by the ADRA Ukraine that has offered evacuation services since the very first days after the liberation of the right-bank part of the region. According to Evacuation Coordinator Anastasia Yehorova, over this time, at least 4500 people have received support with the evacuation to safer area.

“We have only a travel back and backpacks with the most essential things”, Halyna Liakh says. The women is here to evacuate her 7-year-old, 9-year-old and 17-year-old grandchildren from Bilozerka. Halyna says that had no plans to evacuate at all, however over the course of the last few weeks, the village has been heavily shelled by the Russian military. Now the windows in their house are all shattered, and the roof has been damaged in the explosion. Nine-year-old Renat was also exposed to the shellfire.

“Renat’s older sister was injured, he was under shellfire, all covered in blood. He starts to cry every time, when he recalls, who the shell fragments injured her legs. Our street was empty, we were alone here with the children”, Halyna says.

Olena from Kherson is also here to evacuate her child. The city has turned too dangerous, the woman says.

“It’s too difficult to stay here any longer. My child goes to school, to the 11th grade. We need to think about the further education and survival in general. His dad, grandmother and grandfather are staying here. This is the kind of life we are living”, Olena says.

Valentina from Kherson is headed to Lviv and then to the Polish city of Katowice. She says she is evacuating because she cannot sand never-ending shellfire in the city any longer.

Today, 35 people have boarded evacuation buses. Most of them are families with children and elderly people. ADRA Ukraine started evacuation of civilians immediately after the governmental control over the right-bank part of the region had been reclaimed. Since then, we have already helped 4,500 people, including hundreds of people with limited mobility, to evacuate from dangerous area, Evacuation Coordinator Anastasia Yehorova says.

“Today, we are evacuating people to Lviv. From there, they will head further abroad. We also offer daily evacuation trips from Kherson to Odesa. We have two buses funded by the Canadian Government and the German Government. We also have special vehicles for evacuation of people with limited mobility”, Anastasia says.

According to Anastasia Yehorova, the organization also helps IDPs to find an accommodation and offers temporarily shelter at the transit center in Lviv, where people may stay for a week.

Аліна Мокляк

Суспільне Новини

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