Categories: NewsPublished On: 31.10.2023

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On October 29th, a thematic group program called “Ukrainian Evenings” was held in Bucha, Kyiv Region, and attended by around 40 people. The program’s goal was to provide emotional decompression to residents affected by the hostilities, including IDPs, people who survived the occupation, lost loved ones or homes. ADRA Ukraine psychologists Iryna Isakova and Olha Vashchynina worked with the visitors of the event, organized as part of the LEAP project supported by the Canadian Government.

The program was held in the format of a casual chat over a cup of tea. The tables were filled with dumplings and a variety of delicious snacks cooked by local volunteers. During the resourcing training, participants learned how to resist emotional burnout. There was also an art therapy session, where the participants were asked to draw their emotions in order to learn how to better recognize them, accept them and process them properly. The program also included elements of music therapy: Ukrainian folk songs were played to raise the general morale. There was also a photo zone in the Ukrainian folklore style.

The program facilitators have received many positive feedbacks from the “Ukrainian Evenings” guests. People appreciated this diverse emotional experience and the psychological support.

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