Categories: NewsPublished On: 09.04.2024

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On April 8, the ADRA Ukraine’s Protection Center in Zhytomyr hosted “The Way to Myself (Me Before the War, Me Now, Me in the Future) art therapy training facilitated by our psychologist Yulia Zalutska. The session, the purpose of which was to restore personal identity, was attended by female IDPs from Donetsk, Luhansk and Kherson regions who suffered from the war. The event was made possible by the support of Aktion Deutschland Hilft and ADRA Germany as part of the PEACE project.

The training participants had a chance to use visual arts to associate themselves with items from the store, identify with each drawn element, created a narrative, then watch a movie fragment and discuss it. Thanks to this meeting, the women gained the experience of talking about their identity during this new period their lives. They harmonized their emotional state, built self-confidence, discovered their own resources, and shared their video feedback about the training.

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