Categories: NewsPublished On: 09.11.2023

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During this late fall season, winterization, preparation for imminent low temperatures and potential blackouts caused by missile strikes is of utmost importance both for our charitable organization and for all people in Ukraine affected by the hostilities. Currently, ADRA Ukraine is implementing several winterization projects, the purpose of which is to provide the most vulnerable population with winterization non-food items, such as heaters, stoves, thermal cups, warm blankets, power banks, etc. At the same time, we are distributing fuel briquettes in the areas, where solid fuel is not available for sale, and namely in the recently reclaimed territories, where forests are heavily contaminated with landmines. ADRA Ukraine also offer shelters to IDPs, who have lost their housing, to help families survive this difficult winter season in comfortable environment.

Another component is the cash assistance – this fall, over 780 beneficiaries have already received the Cash for Rent assistance, while 40 054 people have received the MPCA since the beginning of 2023. In the areas, where no functional markets are available, i.e. in remote areas and areas in the immediate vicinity to the frontline, the food assistance continues to be highly relevant. Besides that, as part of our winterization activities, we also focus on heat insulation of residential buildings and shelters. Currently, ADRA Ukraine team performs repairs of damaged private houses, including window replacement, roof repairs and heat insulation.

The ADRA Network project is another winterization project that started in the mid-September and will continue until late April next year. The project includes the distribution of fuel briquettes in Sviatohirsk community of Donetsk region, where we have already registered 750 households. Also, it is planned to distribute of construction materials for households capable of performing repair works either through their own efforts, or with support of the local authorities. This activity will be implemented in Zaporizhzhia, Kherson and Mykolaiv regions. Those who are not able to do the construction works themselves, can apply for participation in another activity, where ADRA Ukraine team assess the damage, select the most damaged households and make agreements with contractors to do the repairs. 130 households are expected to be covered in Zaporizhzhia, Kherson and Mykolaiv regions, i.e. in the recently liberated territories and the areas, where there are no active combat engagements. In total, this project plans to provide support to 2,240 beneficiaries.

Other relevant projects are those designed to overcome the consequences of Kakhovka HPP explosion. Currently, there are 3 projects of this kind supported by ADRA Czech Republic, ADRA Network and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints respectively. These projects primarily cover Kherson region, as well as some parts of Dnipro, Zaporizhzhia, and Mykolaiv regions. As part of these projects, we are distributing bottled drinking water in hard-to-reach areas close to the frontline, where people do not have access to centralized water supply and cannot buy any drinking water because of dysfunctional market. In addition, ADRA Ukraine is drilling wells and installing water purification systems in public spaces to ensure unlimited access to clean potable water for whole communities.

We also continue our projects focused on evacuation of people from active combat zone. In particular, ADRA Ukraine is currently the only organization that evacuates people from the city of Kherson. Psychological support for the war-affected population remains highly relevant and the need for it continues to grow. These are GFFO project (supported by the German Federal Foreign Office and Aktion Deutschland Hilft), DANIDA (supported by the Danish Government) and IHA (supported by the Canadian Government) that include the mental health component. Today, ADRA Ukraine employs a total of 23 psychologists and 3 psychotherapists. These mental health specialists work at the protection centers, shelters for IDPs and domestic violence survivors, orphanages, and specialized institutions for people with disabilities. Additionally, the psychological team also works through the hotline, therefore ADRA can provide mental health support to the affected populations online via phone regardless of beneficiaries’ location. In parallel, ADRA Ukraine actively supports war-affected individuals with addressing their mental health and physical health issues, referring the beneficiaries to specialized clinics and medical centers, where specialists offer qualified medical care, diagnostics and treatment.

Thanks to their international partners and local ADRA Ukraine team (325 full-time employees and over 300 volunteers), we are able to address essential needs of the population in many sectors. Also, thanks to your support, this years we have prepared each of our local offices in the areas close to the frontline to ensure uninterrupted operation during the winter season.

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