Categories: NewsPublished On: 26.07.2023

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As part of the project supported by the UN World Food programme, the food kit distribution for IDPs from Mala Tokmachka and Fedorivka Territorial Communities, Polohy District, Zaporizhzhia Region (which is currently not accessible for direct humanitarian aid delivery) started on July 25th in Zaporizhzhia. Residents of Mala Tokmachka Community have already received 340 food kits, while 100 more kits were distributed to people from Fedorivka Community.

Each food kit is intended to meet a nutritional needs of an average person during over the period of one month. It weighs around 13 kg and contains noodles, canned meat, slat, sugar, canned beans, flour and oil. This July, it is planned to distribute a total of 32 thousand kits to vulnerable populations in Zaporizhzhia, including both local residents and IDPs currently living in the city. Most of these food kits have been already issued to the beneficiaries.

Another activity as part of the project supported by the UN WFP is the emergency food assistance in form of food kits with ready-to-eat food (consisting of a loaf of bread, two meat cans and one bean can). In June, ADRA Ukraine volunteers have already distributed 12 thousand emergency kits intended for 6 thousand beneficiaries in various districts of Zaporizhzhia Region located in the immediate vicinity of the frontline.

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