Categories: NewsPublished On: 11.09.2023

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Between September 4th and 9th, ADRA Ukraine’s mobile outreach team from Zhytomyr had worked at shelters, administrative centers and places of accommodation of internally displaced persons in Zhytomyr Region as part of the GFFO project. The team that provided assistance to citizens affected by the war consisted of our lawyer Yevhen Strashko, psychologist Yulia Zalutska, PSS coordinator Anna Matviienko, and project manager Joshua McEdward.

During this field visit, the mobile team provided 186 consultations to IDPs from Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia Regions, as well from towns and villages located in the non-government-controlled area or in the active combat zones. Residents of communities visited by the mobile outreach team, whose living conditions have deteriorated significantly as a result of the war received 19 consultations. In addition, 53 IDPs received referrals for free medical examinations, 19 children received psychological assistance, and 3 children with serious chronic diseases would be examined by healthcare specialists free of charge.

The group’s specialists received citizens at the Administrative Services Center in Zhytomyr, at the IDP shelter in Sokoliv village of the Kurnia Community in Zhytomyr Region, at the shelter and community house in the Romanivka Community, in the Oliyiv and Pulyn communities.

The residents of the shelters are sincerely grateful to the GFFO project implemented with the support of the German Federal Foreign Office and ADRA Germany, as well as to all the employees of ADRA Ukraine for such necessary and timely assistance. Most of these people survived the invasion, fled without personal belongings, were settled in shelters in rural areas, far away from the city, lost their homes, sources of income, and access to medical services, so the visit of the mobile group was very necessary and timely for them.

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