Categories: NewsPublished On: 16.09.2022

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Psychologists of ADRA Ukraine have started their activities in Zhytomyr region with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany (German Federal Foreign Office — GFFO). The project on free psychological support is implemented in several directions: individual psychological counseling that began on September 14, and social and psychological support — group trainings and lectures (the start of this direction will be announced in the near future on social networks and on the official website).

One of the types of assistance within the framework of ADRA Ukraine project with the support of the UN World Food Program has successfully come to an end – certificates for the purchase of food and non-food goods in the denomination of UAH 500, based on the calculation of three certificates in the total amount of UAH 1,500 per person in Chernihiv and Sumy regions.

During the entire period of implementation of this type of assistance, the charitable organization has provided assistance to 45,637 people, distributed 138,737 certificates for the total amount of UAH 69,368,500. Thus, ADRA Ukraine has distributed all certificates financed by partners to support socially vulnerable categories of the population on the territory of Ukraine. Other types of food assistance within the framework of the project are ongoing.

The project on evacuation is ongoing in cooperation with the Ukraine Humanitarian Fund. The main purpose of this project is to evacuate people from hot spots and ensure access to vital services using social transportation.

As of today, since February 2022, thanks to the project, more than 26,000 people have received assistance, among them more than 5,000 have been evacuated to safer places. In general, during the entire time of implementation of the project on evacuation, about 38,500 people have been transported by transport from ADRA Ukraine. This activity goes on.

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