Categories: NewsPublished On: 13.06.2023

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Psychologists of ADRA Ukraine redirected persons in need of medical assistance to private medical institutions in cities where ADRA Ukraine protection centers operate. A total of 97 redirections were made to persons who received psychological support from the organization, namely those who suffered as a result of the war and have concomitant diseases. These persons were able to receive consultations from specialist narrow-profile doctors, undergo a medical examination, receive assistance requiring light surgical interventions, undergo a pre-hospital examination or an examination to establish a clinical diagnosis.

It is important that during the examinations there were 12 cases of early detection of oncological diseases, 18 people started urgent outpatient treatment and 7 people were referred for urgent surgical interventions.

The direction of redirection is very important in the psychosocial work of psychologists because undetected diseases that have a clinical picture similar to psychological or psychiatric diseases in terms of symptoms can negatively affect the conduct of psychotherapeutic work. Therefore, carrying out comprehensive detection and treatment of physical diseases and psychological disorders is a significant step in supporting the population affected by the war.

Psychological and medical assistance has been provided with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany and ADRA Germany.

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