Categories: NewsPublished On: 22.04.2024

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On April 17, ADRA Ukraine psychologist Lolita Geta held an event on group art therapy for adults at the “Hostyna” shelter in the city of Dnipro. IDPs – adults and children from Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia regions, who were forced to leave their homes due to hostilities, live in this shelter. About 15 people attended the meeting, dedicated to resource recovery, including elderly people and people with disabilities. This event was realized within the LEAP project with the support of the Government of Canada and ADRA Canada.

During art therapy, event participants painted black sheets of paper with colored paints, creating spring bouquets, which symbolized overcoming a negative state with positive emotions. Instead of brushes, leaves from the street, bubble wrap and other non-traditional tools were used for painting. In addition, they talked about methods of self-recovery, the importance of rest, learned to look for resources near you, did breathing exercises.

It is not the first time that ADRA Ukraine psychologists provide assistance to residents of the “Hostyna” shelter in Dnipro. In fact, such assistance for children and adults within the LEAP project has been provided since the foundation of this shelter.

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