Categories: NewsPublished On: 30.11.2023

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The generators were delivered to Kharkiv City Polyclinic No. 18 and the Oskil Psychoneurological In-Patient Unit, located in the Kharkiv region. ADRA Ukraine provided this humanitarian aid within the framework of the MOFA project with the support of the Government of Japan.

With the onset of cold weather, medical institutions in Kharkiv and the village of Oskil began to experience difficult times, because power outages in Ukraine do not allow themselves to be forgotten due to damage to the energy infrastructure as a result of hostilities. Constant cold and changes in light have become commonplace. Every day was a kind of test for doctors and patients, because many of them could not stay for a long time in a medical institution where there is no stable heating and electricity.

At the moment, Kharkiv City Polyclinic No. 18 and the Oskil Psychoneurological In-Patient Unit are already using the generators provided to them. Patients and doctors finally don’t get the discomfort of staying in these medical facilities. Now they have heat and light regardless of whether there are electricity problems in their area.

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