Categories: NewsPublished On: 10.10.2023

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Nowadays, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of our mental health. After all, in the face of constant stress and uncertainty, it is important to remain capable of purposeful, meaningful daily activity and efficient social functioning. Each of us is a unique human being with our own mental features, identity and perception of comfort. Our mental health affects our ability to adapt to changing environments, develop, grow in a healthy manner.

We can and should take care of our mental health by following some simple tips:
– Be attentive to yourself, validate and respect your feelings and emotions. Sometimes, it’s really important to take a break and focus on your own inner needs.
– Remember about healthy sleep. This is especially important, given the fact that our sleep is often disrupted by the frequent air raid alarms. Therefore, we should pay even more attention to our rest. Sometimes being alone in silence without looking at social media may be a helpful way to calm down and replenish resource.
– Try to balance all domains of your life. This includes personal growth, spiritual potential, taking care of your body, communicating with friends and like-minded people, et cetera.
– Change the focus of your attention from negative events in your life to positive ones. After all, each of us has had many cheerful moments that made us happy. Believe that you can control your emotions and thoughts.
– Help others, whenever you can. After all, social belonging and a sense of being needed are an integral part of our healthy feeling of self-worth.
– Replace unhelpful coping strategies and behaviors with more efficient and productive ones, such as physical exercise, walks in nature, spending time with your family.
– Validate your needs with respect and compassion. Self-compassion is not a weakness, but rather a healthy way to take care of yourself and your psychological needs
– Plan interesting events and activities in your life, look for cognitive and emotional ways to improve your future potential and capabilities
– If you feel that you cannot cope with your feelings and emotions on your own, do not be alone, and don’t hesitate to seek professional support from a psychologist who may help you to process your distressing experiences.
Mental health is essential for our performance and morale, physical health, spiritual and intellectual development.

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